Anger Management

Transforming Anger for corporations, adults, Educational groups and children

We all deal with anger in our lives, whether it be in a subtle or violent manner. Being
angry can involve such emotional expressions as frustration, irritability, annoyance, aggravation, blowing off steam or fretting.

The good news is anger can be managed. Our program is designed to help you:

  •     Identify the best ways to handle anger.
  •     Understand how pride, fear, loneliness, and inferiority feed your anger.
  •     Uncover and eliminate the myths that perpetuate Anger
  •     Identify learned patterns of relating, thinking and behaving influence your anger.
  •     Understand the roll of the unconscious mind in Both creating and transforming anger.
  •     Uncover and eliminate the myths that perpetuate Anger

Sid is a Board Certified Hypnotist and  Certified Instructor and Anger Management Coach recognized through the National Guild of Hypnotists, as well as a Mediator trained by the Dallas County Juvenile System and the County of San Diego, California.

The services I render are held out to the public as non-therapeutic.  Hypnotism, defined as the use of Hypnosis to bring about positive thinking and the capacity for Self-Hypnosis.  I do not represent my services as any form of medical, behavioral or mental health care, and despite research to the contrary, by law I may make no health benefit claims for my services.  If you feel you need a medical  referral to work with me, it is a simple process.  Please contact me if you would like assistance.